After reviewing the format of the look book I thought that it would be a good idea to create 2 'books' one which would incorporate the folds would be the promotional mailer that includes a selection of outfits and garments.
There will also be a personal look book for Bryony which is something that she can take to interviews and potential buyers this will include outfits, garments, flat illustrations and information about Bryony.
This is a really nice promotional piece for the Uniform Wares, really well done art direction mixing close ups and images of the watch in context. The colour palette compliments the images, I think this will be important within both the promo pull out and the look book to keep within the visual identity for Bryony.
Some very initial layouts using stock images. The idea is to see how the images work at different sizes on the folds of the page.
Promo Initial

Initial format for the look book, again I wanted to do something that is multi format this is an initial mock up using stock images. The book is 210 x 147mm and in every double page spread there is an A6 single page. This is so that on the spread the images and information are on separate pages. The positioning on the single page spread is centred at the moment which could change depending on how well it works.

Ideas for the art direction of the photography, Bryony wants the background to feature quite heavily in the shoot, so crop shots and scenes with the model in 1/4 and the 3/4 background will work well. Just some ideas.
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